A Simple Formula To A Rock-Solid 2% Response Rate

A Simple Formula To A Rock-Solid 2% Response Rate

A Simple Formula To A Rock-Solid 2% Response Rate

Hi friend, this is for you if you already are running cold email outreach.

If you are doing cold email already: great! Don't stop. This compounds like crazy.

If you are NOT doing cold email: also great, here is ​how to set this up for yourself​.

If you are NOT doing cold email, want to do it but don't want to set it up yourself: reply to this email.

You'll see many videos out there showing you how to write AI generated, hyper-personalized copy that will make your prospects drool over your email.

But all of that is not real.

It's not a thing.

AI generated ice-breakers are not a thing.

Showing your prospects that you know at which college they graduated is not a thing.

Using transformer language (transformer language = using words like transform, elevate, boost, paradigm-shift, transcend, catapult, morph) is not a thing.

Your one and only job with cold emailing is landing in the inbox. This is 90% of your job.

And just to take away the main gist of this article:


And deliverability comes down to one thing, which is emulating human behaviour. And emulating that behaviour comes down to four things:



min read

A Simple Formula To A Rock-Solid 2% Response Rate

NUMBER ONE — sending speeds

Sending thousands of emails a day is extremely hard to do, if you are doing it alone. Which is why we have automated this process. But you also noticed, that we are not doing this through one single email address.

We split the load across multiple inboxes to emulate a huge company with many many many employees that send out 20-30 cold emails per day.

We reduced sending speed to emulate a realistic scenario in which we can still send out thousands of emails a day, without being flagged for unrealistic sending speeds. Great.

NUMBER TWO — variance

Every single email service provider has the same goal—deliver everything that is not SPAM to the recipient. Every day. Reliably. Without fail.

So what they do is: they analyse email traffic.

Let's pretend we are an email service provider and we are analysing a distinct set of emails: these emails that we are looking at are ALL the same. They have been the same since November last year. Not only that, ... they get send out every single day, even on weekends, without fail.

The EXACT same script.

Would you assume, knowing that email automation exists, that these email MAAAAYBE, MAYBE, just MAYBE, might be SPAM?


You can avoid this exact situation from playing out by bringing in variance into your emails.

Smartlead allows you to do a multitude of things:

  • Spintax

  • A/B split-tests


Read up how Spintax works. Only use it in the parts of your copy that are not important to the tonality and gist of your email (e.g. greeting, subject line, first line, signature).

A/B Split-Tests

Make sure that if you are running a multi step sequence in Smartlead, that you are using one split-test per stage in your sequence, per 100 emails sent per day.

So if you are sending out 400 emails per day, you are going to create A, B, C and D split tests, for EACH stage of your main sequence.

And into EACH split-test, you are going to put different outreach scripts that are populated with Spintax.

This will ensure you are ACTUALLY sending a different script to almost every single prospect you are reaching out to.

Problem solved. Great.

NUMBER THREE — clean lists

If you have watched at least a handful of YouTube videos on cold email, you will immediately think of email verification. Which is good. This is a must have. Bounced emails are not good. Your bounce rate should be below 2% at all times.

But what I am talking about, when I say clean lists, is the accuracy of your prospect list.

In extremely short: If you are sending cold outreach scripts that are tailored to recruitment agencies, BUT you reach out to contractors for residential real estate, YOU WILL GET MARKED AS SPAM.

Because your message is highly irrelevant. Which brings us to point number four:

NUMBER FOUR — relevance

Don't send out absolutely irrelevant outreach.

Do some research before you write your email scripts.

If you want to know how to do that, you should watch this YouTube video.

I go over how I do market research to get ROCK-SOLID REPLY RATES >2%.

Go to YouTube > Enter this on the search bar: do you make these mistakes in cold emailing? 

Everything is awesome, 


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