Do The Vital Few To Massively Improve Your Cold Emails For Good

Do The Vital Few To Massively Improve Your Cold Emails For Good

Do The Vital Few To Massively Improve Your Cold Emails For Good

I vividly remember the first campaigns I wanted to start. Not because it was fun, but rather the opposite. It was a daunting task. I didn’t know what to start with. Prospecting first? Copy first? It couldn’t be that hard to write a copy that is “good enough”, right?

Well, in hindsight, it is pretty much true. But I am getting ahead of myself. Months and months went by while I was trying to figure out how to make this scalable for a company. 

Reading document after document on how this apparently works wonders for other businesses and how they do it, just to find out that most of these people are actually gatekeeping by giving you a lot of information… but it’s not the information you need.



min read

Focus On The Vital Few
Focus On The Vital Few
Focus On The Vital Few

Do The Vital Few To Massively Improve Your Cold Emails For Good

I vividly remember the first campaigns I wanted to start. Not because it was fun, but rather the opposite. It was a daunting task. I didn’t know what to start with. Prospecting first? Copy first? It couldn’t be that hard to write a copy that is “good enough”, right?

Well, in hindsight, it is pretty much true. But I am getting ahead of myself. Months and months went by while I was trying to figure out how to make this scalable for a company. 

Reading document after document on how this apparently works wonders for other businesses and how they do it, just to find out that most of these people are actually gatekeeping by giving you a lot of information… but it’s not the information you need.

The secret reason why most campaigns don’t perform

If you ever planned on starting cold email outreach, you will definitely have heard about things like “deliverability” and “technical setup”. It’s almost like when you are doing your drivers license. One of the first things you learn when training for your drivers license is the steering wheel, the brake pedal and how you start the engine.

And that is good. Know the basics. Know your tools.

But could you imagine any formula one driver talking about how their steering wheel was the main reason they won a championship?

Blogs about cold emailing almost always go off on tangents. 

  • What does “SPF” mean?

  • How does DMARC work?

  • Should you insert links?

  • How you should design your signature for maximum conversions

And of course your copy must be "hyper-personalized", which sounds way smarter than it actually is.

I understood that by reading these articles without end I would only focus on the wrong things. I would focus on the trivial many.

Stop Thinking And Feeling. Use Your Results.

“Results? I don’t get any results. It’s trash.” - Probably some of you right now.

The truth is, you are getting results, and that’s good. Any result is good, as long as you are able to measure it.

I want to help you understand your results so you can come up with an actionable action plan with a lot more action. A lot of action! 

Not just asking yourself if the reply rate for your warm ups should be set to 40 instead of 35%. 

Not overthinking how your signature should be structured.

Cut the BS. Stop that. 

Back then, I knew that all of this cannot be some form of black magic. Back then I knew that there has to be a way to improve things methodically. And let me tell you. There is.

“What is measured, improves.”

What I need you to do is analyse the following ratios

  • Leads contacted (not emails sent)

  • Replies

  • Positive replies

  • Meetings set

  • Deals closed

Find the current bottleneck. Fix one thing at a time. Test again. Re-evaluate. 

Here are actionable steps for you.

Action Steps

  • Get a verified and segmented list of prospects within your ideal customer profile

  • Write copy. FOR them! (There will be an article on how to do this)

  • Launch the campaign, wait for it to finish

  • Look at the stats of each variation. Take the best performer into the next campaign.

  • Improve this copy

  • Relaunch campaign. Rinse and repeat.

This is per definition an iterative process. And as per definition, you most likely cannot hit it right out of the park with your first try. It will never be optimal.

Contact enough leads to have a statistically significant test-group, make data-driven decisions and move onto the next campaign to improve your cold email engine.

This is high leverage work. Make it work once, and as soon as it is “good enough”... Scale. :)

You only need to find out what the vital few are for your offer and your business to make your campaigns “good enough” to scale.

And if you are an agency owner or run a SaaS business and want to skip all of that plus get all the systems injected into your business to scale it into oblivion, you can book a call right below and I will handle all of this for you, teach your staff and send you on your way to make more money.

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